
There are various boards and commissions consisting of citizens and residents of the city. They are appointed by the mayor on an annual basis with the consent of the governing body. They are liaison boards and commissions and make recommendations to the following committees: Administration, Public Services, Property & Recreation and Public Safety.

Administrative Committee

Karla Sweet
Phil Kasper
Elton Hess
Theresa Charbonneau

Public Safety Committee

Mike Schultze
Daton Hess
Mike Peerson
Karla Sweet

Public Services Committee

Daton Hess
Glenn Hoover
Elton Hess
Theresa Charbonneau

Property and Recreation Committee

Phil Kasper
Glenn Hoover
Mike Peerson
Mike Schultze

Planning Commission Members & Term Expiry

The members of the Planning Commission are appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. The commission reviews and makes recommendations to the city council on zone change requests, variance requests, comprehensive plans, zoning and subdivision regulations, plats or re-plats, and other assignments as requested by the governing body related to planning and land use regulations.

Keith Hoffman (2023)
Richard Baxter (2023)
David Frederick (2024)
Randy Carlson (2024)
Jim Lindsay (2024)
Preston Rook (2025)
Kurt Harberer (2025)
Kyle Bauer (2025)

Library Board Members & Term Expiry

The Clay Center Carnegie Board of Trustees meets every second Wednesday of the month except August and December at 4:30 in the library’s community room. Members serve a four-year term. Meetings are open to the public.

Stephen Birkbeck (2023)
Nancy Lee (2023)
Mindy Blake (2023)
Deanna Barleen (2024)
Judy Dreezen (2025)
Susan Melton (2025)
Dawson Miller (2026)

Local Housing Members & Term Expiry

The Housing Committee meets on an as-needed basis. Members serve a four-year term.

Vern Swanson (2023)
Austin Gillard (2024)
Kerri Spielman (2025)
Natalie Maurato (2026)
Bruce Wingerd (2026)

Electrical Board

The Electrical Board meets on an as need basis. Members serve a two-year term.

Kevin Griggs (2023)
Glenn Hoover (2024)
Kevin Helms (2024)

Plumbing Board & Term Expiry

The Plumbing Board meets on an as-needed basis. Members serve a one-year term.

Melvin Anderson (2023)
Mike Schultze (2023)
Kent Hessling, Inspector (2023)
Todd Slagle (2023)

Enterprise Board & Term Expiry

The Enterprise Board meets on an as-needed basis. Members serve a two-year term.

Elton Hess (2023)
Karla Sweet (2023)
Mike Schultze (2023)

Tree Board & Term Expiry

The Tree Board meets on an as-needed basis. Members serve a two-year term.

Theresa Charbonneau, Councilmember (2023)
Scott Glaves (2024)
Jane Gingles (2024)
Sharon Carlson, 4th Ward (2023)
Cheri Birkbeck, 2nd Ward (2023)
Shawn Stratton, 1st Ward (2024)
Doug Erickson, 3rd Ward (2024)
Patrick Hayes, Park Supervisor

Public Recreation & Term Expiry

The Public Recreation Committee helps with many of the recreational programs, either financially, with labor, or helping maintain fields, equipment, etc. Members serve a four-year term.

Jericho Hammond (2023)
Patrick Hayes (2024)
Todd Slagle (2025)
Jim Franson (2026)
Shannon Stark (2026)

Clay Center Revolving Loan Fund Unexpired Terms

Brandon Lee, Union State Bank
Maria Pfizenmaier, United Bank & Trust
Mike Peerson, Councilmember
Karla Sweet, Councilmember